I asked you to find interesting facts about Anne Hutchinson and Nathaniel Hawthorne online. What did you find? What connections can you make between these two and the Crucible???
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An interesting fact about Anne Hutchinson is that she had 15 kids, naming two of them Susanna and two of them William (after her husband). Also, her entire family was killed except for her youngest daughter. Something interesting about Nathaniel Hawthorne is that Herman Melville's novel, Moby Dick, was dedicated to Hawthorne. As well, his great grandfather was a magistrate during the 1692 witch trials. Anne Hutchinson relates to the Crucible because she lived in a Puritan village in Massachussetts during the 17th century, she was brought to court, and was pregnant at the time of her convictoin (as was Elizabeth). Hawthorne can be related to the Crucible because his great-grandfather was a court magistrate for the witch trials, and he lived in Salem Massachussetts.
ReplyDeleteAn interesting fact about Anne Hutchinson is that she held Bible meetings at first for women, but men also started attending them. At the meetings she would interpret Bible sermons theologically. Church leadership accused her of conducting in antinomianism because of this. An interesting fact about Nathaniel Hawthorne is that he was a writer and most of his work was based on the themes of inherent evil and sin of humanity. Many people criticized him because of this including Ralph Waldo Emerson. Anne Hutchinson relates to Abigail and the circle girls in the Crucible because Abigail and the girls were trying to express religious freedom by conducting in different rituals conducted by Tituba, the Parris' slave. Anne was trying to express religious freedom by interpreting the Bible. Nathaniel Hawthorne relates to Arthur Miller and how he wrote the Crucible to convey that society is evil and unjust just like Nathaniel did in a majority of his books.
ReplyDeleteAnne Hutchinson was the first women to hold women only bible studies in colonial America. She believed in religeous freedom, and ofter interpreted the bible in a different way than the puritan society she lived in. She also had 15 children and all of them died except her youngest daughter, Susanna. Nathaniel Hawthorne was born in Salem Massachusets in 1804, his ancestor, John Hawthorne was a judge in the Salem witch trials. Anne Hutchinson and Nathaniel Hawthorne are similar because they have backrounds in Puritan societies. They also both believed that there were fundemantal things wrong with their societies. Anne Hutchinson expressed this through her unorthodox religeous studies, and Nathaniel Hawthorne express this through his literautre such as The Scarlet Letter.
ReplyDeleteThe interesting facts that I found about Anne Hutchinson, is that she is recongnized as the first American Feminist, her father was imprisoned many times for improper teachings, and she was banished from her English Colony for challenging the authority of Puritan leadership. Anne Hutchinson connects to the Crucible, because she questioned the authority of Puritan leadership and the value of their ideals, as John Proctor did in the Crucible when he was speaking out against all the corruptness and paranoia taking place around him. Nathaniel Hawthorne is the author of the novel The Scarlet Letter who was known as one of the leading writers of his time. Nathaiel Hawthorne is also the decendent of an offical who took part in the Salem witch trials, he attended Bowdoin College with U.S. President Franklin Pierce, and Arthur Millers' novel, Moby Dick, is dedicated to him. Nathaniel Hawthorne connects to The Crucible, because a lot of his work, including The House of Seven Gables, have a theme that relfect the feelings and guilt he holds knowing that one of his decendents was responsible for part of the Salem Witch Trials.
ReplyDeleteAnne Hutchinson was a leader who stepped away from the strict Puritan rules of her society to interpret religion in her own way. She preached salvation by her own individual intuition without regard to obedience to specific laws of church or state and gave meetings during which she expressed her own theological views about recent church sermons. Due to her views,she was banished from the colony and excommunicated from the Church of Boston. Anne was excommunicated for her opposing views, just as John Proctor was excommunicated for his refusal to listen to the fallacies fueling the hysteria in Salem. Furthermore, Nathaniel Hawthorne was born in Salem, Massachusetts. He worked at a custom house. Many of his works are moral allegories that center around Puritanism. Likewise, The Crucible also centers around Puritan society and was an allegory relating to McCarthyism of the 1940-50"s.
ReplyDeleteNathaniel Hawthorne was born on July 4, 1804 in Salem, Massachusetts and lived there for the first twelve years of his life. Salem had a large population of Puritans after 1629. In addition, his great-great-great-grandfather was a Puritan that emigrated from England to Dorchester, Massachusetts and then to Salem. His great-great-grandfather was one of the judges at the Salem witch trials. Probably as a result of his birthplace and heritage, he wrote many works featuring Puritan culture, including The Scarlet Letter. Anne Hutchinson, a Puritan who was born in 1591, is mentioned in this book. She was exiled from Boston in the 1630s. The book is set in a Puritan village near that city about ten years later.
ReplyDeleteAn interesting fact I found about Anne Hutchinson was that, as others previously stated, she held bible studies which later led to her own theological theories of the Puritan religion. Another interesting fact was that Anne was banned from Mass. This can relate Anne to Abigail from "The Crucible." Abigail in "The Crucible" held meetings with her other friends about witchcraft. Later on she also left Mass. after robbing her uncle. An interesting fact that I found about Nathaniel Hawthorne was his father was a judge in the Salem witch trials. This relates to "The Crucible" because Nathaniel's father delt with the witch trials which is what the play is all about.
ReplyDeleteAn interesting fact I found on Anne Hutchinson was that her and her whole family were killed by indians, and their residence was burned to the ground with all of their possesions left inside. An interesing fact I learned about Nathaniel Hawthorne is that his father died of yellow fever in Suriname. Anne is related to the novel because the indians live in the woods, and the residents of salem feared the indians like Anne's neighbors did. Nathaniel is related to reverend hale because of his educational background; though hawthorne was forced to go to college, he met many powerful figures in politics and literature.
ReplyDeleteOne interesting fact I found about Anne Hutchinson is that she held her own services where she interpreted the Bible. Originally, this was an event for only women, but soon, men started to attend these services. She relates to The Crucible because of her influence in religious affairs. Women at the time did not have a large say in religious affairs, but by interpreting the Bible, she was a large part of the religion in the early 17th century. This is similar to how Abigail was able to affect the socity and the religion of Salem. One interesting i found about Nathanial Hawthorne is that one of his ancestors was John Hathorne, who was a judge during the Salem witch trials. He relates to The Crucible because of his beliefs that humanity was full of inherent evil and sin, just like the Puritans believed in Salem.
ReplyDeleteAn interesting fact that I found about Hutchison was that she opposed the tradition Puritan faith by believing that you can communicate to God without the use of priest. Hutchinson had a common view with the character John Proctor in 'The Crucible' who said that he prayed at home on Sundays because he did not appreciate his priest, Parris. I found that Hawthorne was born in Salem, Massachuttes and was a descendent of Judge Hawthorne of the Salem witch trials. Hawthorne relates back to the crucible because his ancestor was one of the major characters who sentenced witches to execution in the play.
ReplyDeleteAs Nick Hula said, Anne Hutchinson held her own bible meetings. But these meetings slowly formed into interpretations of the sermons they listened to. These interpretations soon gave her a reputation in society as a anitnomian (not adhering to the christian moral law). This is very similar to the way people in the crucible were singled out when they were accused of witchery. It also connects to the way society rarely accepts change or unusual actions. Anne was different in her beliefs and society did not react positively, the same way society negatively reacted to people such as John Proctor for plowing on Sundays.
ReplyDeleteNathaniel Hawthorne's father, John, was a judge during the Salem witch trials, connecting him to The Crucible. Furthermore, many of Hawthorne's pieces of literature were based on puritan belief, many were allegories as well. The Crucible is an allegorical play that is based on a puritan lifestyle.
Interesting Facts:
ReplyDeleteNathaniel Hawthorne is faintly related to The Crucible because his great grandfather was a judge in the Salem witch trials of 1692. Hawthorne's original last name was 'Hathorne' and changed it so it was more phonetic. Another interesting fact is, his friend, Herman Miller, dedicated Moby Dick to Hawthorne. (http://www.enotes.com/authors/nathaniel-hawthorne) Anne Hutchinson was a Puritan women who was considered extremely outspoken for her time. Because of this she was banished from her town and fled to find religious freedom. She had a band of followers and all were murdered by Native Americans in 1643. She is considered the first American feminist
What I found to be interesting about Hawthorne, is that his name didn't always have a 'w' in it, until he had it changed. This revealed, that he was related to Judge Hathorne, who participated in the Salem witch trials. This fact, in turn, relates him to Anne Hutchinson, who was a puritan woman living in Massachusetts. What's fascinating about her, is that she openly expressed her interpretations of the Bible. Due to her outspoken behavior, she was labeled a heretic.
ReplyDeleteAn interesting fact about Anne Hutchinson is that she read many of her father's books as a child and was well educated. This high level of education and knowledge she had caused her to ask more questions about the church resulting in her holding her own bible meetings. One of Nathaniel Hawthorne's ancestors was a judge during the Salem witch trials also Nathaniel went to Bowdoin college in Maine. Anne Hutchinson lives her life in a strict devout religious society which is very similar to the way the characters in the crucible lived their lives. Nathan Hawthorne is related to the crucible by having an ancestor be a judge at some of the Witch trials in Salem. Both Nathan Hawthorne and Anne Hutchinson were well educated.
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ReplyDeleteAnne Hutchinson spoke unfavorably of the ministers in the Puritan ministry. She then went against Puritanism and interpreted religion for herself. Eventually she was banished from Boston, and excommunicated from the Church of Boston, just as John Proctor was excommunicated from the truth in the court. Nathaniel Hawthorne was an author, writing works such as The Scarlet Letter. His great-grandfather was a magistrate in the Salem witch trials, a direct descendant of Judge Hathorne. Although the two last names are spelled differently, there is a connection because Nathaniel Hawthorne changed the spelling of his name from "Hathorne" to "Hawthorne" after graduating college, so that the pronunciation would match the sounding more closely. Many of Hawthorne's works were based on Puritan belief and personal experience.
ReplyDeleteThe most interesting fact that i found about Nathaniel Hawthorne is that he was one of the first writers to explore the hidden motives behind the characters he created in his pieces of literature. He is connected to the Salem witch trials because the last name "Hawthorne" used to be "Hathorne" which is the last name of his grandfather who was a judge during the trials. The most interesting thing that i found about Ann Hutchinson is basically her entire life in Massachusetts. She was a visionary who interpreted sermons her own way and paved the way for the freedom of religious interpretation, as well as their is a monument in Massachusetts for her that calls her "courageous exponent of civil liberty and religious toleration." She is related to the witch trials because, by teaching her own interpretation of the bible, she was labeled a heretic and banished from the bay colony.
ReplyDeleteOne interesting fact about Anne Hutchinson is that she was an important figurehead in religion during a period of time when society looked to men as community leaders. She and many other women would congregate and discuss recent sermons and other religious aspects. She lived in a puritan society, one which Nathaniel Hawthorne's ancestor Judge John Hathorne lived. Hawthorn set his most famous work, "The Scarlett Letter," in a puritanical society, so he obviously recognized his puritan roots
ReplyDeleteThe fact that I found to be most interesting about Anne Hutchinson was her groundbreaking effort into achieving rights for women. Women during the Salem witch trials and era of Puritans did not have as many rights as men and were more often accused of witchcraft. Hutchinson was a religious activist and "held enormously progressive notions about the equality and rights of women" (Wikipedia.org). On the other hand, Nathaniel Hawthorne was inspired by Puritanism. He was an author and wrote the infamous Scarlet Letter. An interesting fact, which I found to be ironic, was that he met Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln is a founding father and helped establish freedom, while Hawthorne came from the roots of witchcraft.
ReplyDelete^ that was supposed to be Sara Peterson, not MrKidFresh, haha... I don't know how that happened